OmniScribe: Authoring Immersive Audio Descriptions for 360° Videos
Ruei-Che Chang, Chao-Hsien Ting, Chia-Sheng Hung, Wan-Chen Lee, Liang-Jin Chen, Yu-Tzu Chao, Bing-Yu Chen, and Anhong Guo
In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’22), Bend, OR, USA, 2022
Blind people typically access videos via audio descriptions (AD) crafted by sighted describers who comprehend, select, and describe crucial visual content in the videos. 360° video is an emerging storytelling medium that enables immersive experiences that people may not possibly reach in everyday life. However, the omnidirectional nature of 360° videos makes it challenging for describers to perceive the holistic visual content and interpret spatial information that is essential to create immersive ADs for blind people. Through a formative study with a professional describer, we identified key challenges in describing 360° videos and iteratively designed OmniScribe, a system that supports the authoring of immersive ADs for 360° videos. OmniScribe uses AI-generated content-awareness overlays for describers to better grasp 360° video content. Furthermore, OmniScribe enables describers to author spatial AD and immersive labels for blind users to consume the videos immersively with our mobile prototype. In a study with 11 professional and novice describers, we demonstrated the value of OmniScribe in the authoring workflow; and a study with 8 blind participants revealed the promise of immersive AD over standard AD for 360° videos. Finally, we discuss the implications of promoting 360° video accessibility.